Welcome to the ALL NEW "Monkey Baby ...going green" (Formerly known as the Monkey Baby Boutique blog). This site has been dormant for quite awhile as my life took a turn in a different direction. My children are growing up and I've been focusing on designing knitwear.
Recently I've done some thinking about continuing on with this site, and it has led me to a total makeover! I will continue to post tips on going green and creating a healthier you, healthier home and a healthier planet! But I will also be including information on sustainable knitwear created by myself and others. Please leave your comments and let me know what you think of the NEW look!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Let's try this again!

Okay... Let's try this again! It's already 2:00am and once again I'm still awake, working on some of my business stuff online. Seems that as of lately this is the only chance I get! I've been really sleep deprived this past week. Let's see if I can finish this post without one of the kids waking up!
They should sleep good tonight though... I recently joined a "mommy group" that I found through "Meetup" and today was our first playdate with them... About 5 moms showed up at the park (with babies in tow). I'll have to say that I know I was the oldest mom there! But it was nice to get out of the house for a bit and to enjoy some fresh air. And the kids got a much needed chance to burn off some of their energy! We stopped at Taco Bell on the way back home and then it was straight into the bath with them! You see... while we were at the park, Caitlin took it upon herself to dump a handful of sand down Brandon's back, which made it all the way into his diaper! Ahhh... the joys of motherhood!
By the way, I do apologize for not keeping up with this blog as I had intended. I've been focusing a bit more on my other 2 blogs lately. But I am going to do my best to start posting here again as well...

I've also added a link to my Monkey Baby Etsy shop on the side bar. So feel free to check out what I'm offering over there right now too! You'll find one of my original knitted hoodie patterns, which Caitlin is modeling above, and a couple of pairs of my soft soled baby shoes!
Well, until next time... I think I'm going to try to get to bed a little earlier tonight!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

We made it!

We are finally settling into our new home in the San Francisco Bay Area. We arrived last month, but have been so busy getting organized. More to come... I hear a wee one waking up just now!
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