Welcome to the ALL NEW "Monkey Baby ...going green" (Formerly known as the Monkey Baby Boutique blog). This site has been dormant for quite awhile as my life took a turn in a different direction. My children are growing up and I've been focusing on designing knitwear.
Recently I've done some thinking about continuing on with this site, and it has led me to a total makeover! I will continue to post tips on going green and creating a healthier you, healthier home and a healthier planet! But I will also be including information on sustainable knitwear created by myself and others. Please leave your comments and let me know what you think of the NEW look!

Monday, March 17, 2008

“No Constitutional Right to Homeschool”?

I just received an e-mail from my mother that contained some disturbing news. Being recently transplanted to the state of California, I immediately decided that this was something that deserves some attention.

Not more than two weeks ago, a California appeals court declared in In Re Rachel L. that the vast majority of parents in the state of California may choose only between sending their children to public and/or private schools. These three judges believe that the parents are unqualified to teach their own children. Tens of thousands of children in California are currently homeschooled, but that wasn't enough to convince these three judges, who boldly proclaimed that “parents do not have a constitutional right to home school their children,” unless they are certified by the state to teach. The California court refused to recognize the rights of the parents as fundamental rights. According to the court, homeschooling could not be a legitimate educational option because it would place “an unreasonable burden on the state to have to supervise each and every home in which a child was being educated.”
In a recent Press Release Governor Schwarzenegger declared that “parents should have the right to decide what’s best for their children.”

Read more about this topic here »

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