Welcome to the ALL NEW "Monkey Baby ...going green" (Formerly known as the Monkey Baby Boutique blog). This site has been dormant for quite awhile as my life took a turn in a different direction. My children are growing up and I've been focusing on designing knitwear.
Recently I've done some thinking about continuing on with this site, and it has led me to a total makeover! I will continue to post tips on going green and creating a healthier you, healthier home and a healthier planet! But I will also be including information on sustainable knitwear created by myself and others. Please leave your comments and let me know what you think of the NEW look!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Kermit - It's Not Easy Being Green

I'm not really sure what made me remember this song tonight, but of the blue the title just came to me. Maybe because I'm "Going Green"! Anyways, I just love Kermit the Frog! So, I Googled the song title and this is what I found! I just had to share it with everyone... Maybe it will bring back some happy memories as it did for me! Enjoy!


cookiecutyou said...

OOOHHH Kermie! I remember reading another green post in the same vein. I love being as green as possible. If I were any greener, I'd be astroturf, or something. Bad joke, I know. Anyways another thing I want to talk about is bioheat, it’s just one small measure that people can take in order to start living a greener lifestyle.

Has anyone ever heard of it, or has switched to it? I want to start taking initiative in turning my home into a greener household, one way I have started is by switching out all my lightbulbs in my home to energy efficient lightbulbs. And I am also seriously considering switching over to bioheat as an alternative to regular oilheat. The thing that I love the most about it is that it’s completely clean burning, and is comprised of a b5 blend of oils which are derived from natural plant and vegetable sustainable resources such as corn, hemp, and avocados just to name a few. If you all want more information on how bioheat works, just go on to http://oilheatamerica.com/index.mv?screen=bioheat I work with NORA to bring this info to you all!

Bay Area Knitter said...

Thanks so much for the comment and for sharing some info about bioheat. We've already switched out all our lightbulbs in our home to energy efficient lightbulbs, but I hadn't heard of bioheat before. I'll definitely have to check it out! =)

cookiecutyou said...

No problem! I'm glad to share info, it's great to hear you'll read up about bioheat. Let me know your thoughts about it! :-D

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